Dental Implant Benefits
When you make use of poor-fitting dentures, the teeth can slip, causing you to mumble or slur your words; with dental implants, there is no such problem.
2. Looks natural
When you get an implant, it looks perfectly natural, and no one would be able to tell the difference between it and a natural tooth.
Additionally, it is also as strong and functions like a real one. Take care of it, and it can last an entire lifetime.
3. Improved self-esteem
Having a missing tooth looks cute at 5. But when you're 30 or 40 years of age, having a missing tooth is no longer cute.
Get an implant, and improve your self-confidence and smile with your teeth showing.
4. Protects other healthy teeth
If you were to get a dental bridge instead, the surrounding teeth would have to be grounded away.
There will also be more future complications when you get a bridge instead.
Still not sure if you should get dental implants or bridges? Remember to consider the long-term benefits... the costs are also cheaper than bridges in the long term.
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